My story
I have struggled with skin issues for over two decades, starting at the age of thirteen when my face began to be covered with severe acne. I tried everything - seeing dermatologists, estheticians, and trying various treatments on my own based on recommendations from others. Nothing and no one seemed to help. I was in my thirties and still struggling with my skin every day. I was desperate and wanted to give up many times, but each day I would wake up and still try to fix it by using products that I thought were good for my skin, only realizing towards the end of the day that it was useless again.
At some point, I stopped and reconsidered my approach to treating my skin. All these years, I was too focused on making my bad acne go away instead of actually treating my skin to keep it healthy. I realized that I should not spend all my efforts trying to make my acne disappear, but instead focus on how to maintain the health of my skin.
The first steps I took in my new approach were to learn what constitutes healthy skin and avoid what harmed my skin. I invested a lot of time in learning about the structure and function of skin, as well as the purpose of various skincare products. I stopped fighting my skin and started supporting it instead. I made it an ally instead of an enemy, and the results came in just a few weeks. My skin started showing signs of healing, and after so many years, I was finally happy with the results.
My skin is not perfect, and it doesn't have to be, but I know that it is healthy and capable of protecting itself from any pathology, just like skin is supposed to. I do my best to support its natural protective function. Even nowadays, I get a pimple or two, but I don't freak out anymore because I know exactly what my skin needs to get rid of the annoying pimple quickly. I get pimples sometimes not because my skin is sick, but because it is alive, and it is normal that it has its good and bad days. I am calm and reasonable about it. I wish I had come to this realization much earlier than my thirties, but as they say, better late than never.
My skin condition greatly affected the quality of my life in a negative way, especially my mental health. Unfortunately, it is still very much overlooked by society and even skin specialists. Skincare is often considered to be a beauty-related thing, which I strongly disagree with. Skin is an organ, a very important one. It's our protective barrier, and we'd die without skin, just like any other part of our body. We need to take care of it so it can protect us.
After gathering all the knowledge I have on skincare, and experiencing the struggles of those with skin issues, I want to help people achieve their best skin, regain their confidence, and enjoy skincare products instead of dreading anything that touches their skin. My approach is based on three key principles:
- Understanding what constitutes healthy skin.
- Being knowledgeable about common skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and eczema (and how to distinguish them from other skin conditions).
- Knowing the purpose and benefits of different product formulations (and understanding that many things we are told we need are just marketing). Understanding product formulations and their claimed benefits, so we can make informed decisions about which products will benefit our skin and which ones are just a marketing gimmick.
By focusing on these three pillars, I create a custom-made skincare routine that will address your specific skin concerns and help you achieve the best results possible. With my guidance, you can shorten your journey to healthy skin and prevent trial and error, waste of money and time, and potential damage that can be done to the skin due to incorrect routines. All the knowledge I offer is based on facts, the latest research, and a healthy dose of skepticism, as well as my passion for healthy skin. Are you ready to start the journey to your best skin together with me?